Coldspring Receives ANSI/NSC 373 Certification


Coldspring QuarrColdspring, a fabricator and quarrier of natural stone based in Coldspring, Minn., announced that it received ANSI/NSC 373 Sustainable Production of Natural Dimension Stone certification. Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the standard establishes criteria to determine the degree to which natural dimension stone is extracted and manufactured sustainably.

The ANSI/NSC 373 Certification is based on point totals in a variety of categories to achieve a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level certification. The standard examines many areas of stone production, such as: custody and transportation of the stone; corporate governance; energy usage and conservation; land reclamation and adaptive use; management of excess process materials and waste; safer chemical and materials management; site and plant management; water usage and recycling; worker health and safety; and optional innovation credits. ANSI/NSC 373 also includes a companion Chain of Custody (COC) program that ensures traceability of certified stone from the quarry to processing and throughout the supply chain.

Coldspring was inspected by NSF International’s Sustainability division, which develops standards and conducts audits to protect the environment. The company’s corporate headquarters and primary manufacturing operations in Cold Spring, Minn., received Gold certification. The Charcoal Quarry in St. Cloud, Minn., Mesabi Quarry in Babbitt, Minn. and Rockville Quarry in Rockville, Minn. all received Platinum certification.

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